Promote a Lawn Care Business

Press Releases

Submitting press releases to local media outlets is one way to do this. Journalists may have hundreds of thousands of press releases to go through every day so it is important to try and make sure that your press release really stands out and is newsworthy.

The Publicity Stunt

Doing something that is so outrageous or different that the public and the media can't help to pay attention is a great way to promote your small lawn care business.

One lawn maintenance business in my city offered a free 'bikini' mow. Customers signing up in the two-week promotion period had their lawns mowed for free by an attractive woman in a bikini. This is just one example of a publicity stunt pulled off successfully by a lawn care business however you must be careful that you don't risk isolating parts of your customer base or creating a negative image of your business.

Start your own Publication

If you are having trouble getting attention from the media in your area then why not become a publisher yourself.

The Internet is one way that you can do this. By setting up a small website such as a blog that is targeted to your local area you can write about your opinions on events and happenings in your local area. This gives you an outlet to also promote your lawn care business.

Even a small printed publication could work well. A monthly publication about gardening, lawn care, flowers or landscaping gives people something more useful (and more likely to be read) than a flyer. You can sneak your own promotional features into the publication and build a stronger relationship with your readers over time.