Free Tips on How to Start a Small Business

If you are searching for a way to start a small business, then you must be ready to study the 5 tips in this article. This write up will give you the summary of what is needed to starting a small business of your choice.

1. Identify The Business Opportunity.
The first thing to do is to identify the best business opportunity around you. The primary aim of setting up a business is to make profit. If you can identify what people are looking for and you provide the solution through your business organization, then you will make good profit at the end of trading period. You can venture into buying and selling of goods and services, raw material, building material, super stores, sales of food stuff, retails and wholesale. Starting a business is not the problem but how to manage the firm to bring good returns at the end of the day is the major problem. Many people lack the skills of building a strong business empire.

2. Prepare A Business Plan.
Good business plan can help you set up a company. Ideal business plan include the amount needed to start a small business, the form of business to set up, how to source for funds, where to site a firm, competitors analysis and market demand. Before you collect loan from a bank, the bank may ask of your business plan.

3. Get A Good Business Name.
Good business name is one of the best ways to start a small business because it differentiate your company name from other business name. It provides easy identification to your customers or clients. Good company name is an asset to the company. You must create enabling environment for the company to provide good services to the people.

4. Become A Member Of Trade Or Professional Association.
If a firm is set up, make sure you register the business under some related trade or professional association. As a member of trade association or organization, the firm will benefit from periodic training and seminars that can add value to the operation of your business enterprise. If you are looking for more funds to expand a business, one of the requirement before some lenders grant you loans is to become a member of some top trade or professional bodies in that country.

5. Locate The Business Near The Market.
A business is said to be successful and profitable if it is located near the market place, near raw materials and targeted customers. If the business enterprise is close to targeted customers or clients, the business ventures will make good sales and more profit will be made at the end of the period. It will help you to reduce the cost of transporting goods to the market and maximize profit.

Lastly, if you really want to start a small business, you must be keeping adequate record of the company account. Separate the company bank account from your personal account. Make sure you keep proper record of all your business transactions on daily basis. This will help you to save cost and you will know if the business is making profit or loss.

So Many Business Debt Issues, So Few Solutions

As a business debt expert, I am often asked questions by business owners that run the gamut of complexities that occur when a business or an owner is faced with debt or credit issues. Rather than list the too many- to-name scenarios, I have selected some of the most frequently described situations, which are real life business issues asked by real people (names and details may have been changed to protect identities) and some answers I have provided to highlight options or provide solutions.

In a downsized economy, many businesses are focused on buying out competing businesses, or selling to long time employees, often assuming or assigning the business liabilities as a part of that transaction. The intention is honorable, however the execution may not be as simple as it seems to pay off someone else's debts.

Question: "I manage a small business with five full time employees. I want to buy the business, it is a LLC, but has a significant debt comprised mostly of credit cards and a bank line of credit. The debt is around $80k. The owner is ready to go bankrupt. I want to purchase the business and wonder if I can arrange to pay less each month. We pay nearly $2500 a month on the debt and I would like to close the accounts and pay around $1000 per month. Can we tell the creditors that we will pay a reduced amount each month, take it or leave it? It is a good business worth saving."

Answer: When buying a business, you will not automatically assume the debt, as the prior owner has likely signed a personal guarantee. Whether or not the owner is still involved with the business, they are responsible for payment. However, if you are assuming payment of the accounts, you should call the creditors with the owner on the line, and have them authorize you as payer. As well, you need to ask to be put into a hardship payment program as you have described the need for a lower payment. This may or may not be commensurate with your suggested budget; however, most credit card companies will offer this, although some not until the account is delinquent. The purpose of these programs is to lower interest and payments for a period of time usually from 9 months to 5 years. At some point you may also elect to negotiate settlements with the creditors to pay the accounts off at a discount. If you do assume responsibility for payment, make sure that no one including your new employees will have charging privileges and that the lines are closed from further activity. This will help prevent "issues" as you are attempting to pay off the balances.

Even more common is the notion that many small business owners have, which is if they have incorporated and can elect to no longer pay for the businesses debts and there will be no recourse by creditors against them personally. What they fail to realize is that since most bankers weren't born yesterday, have issued products whereby 9 out of 10 require personal guarantee. Therefore even if the business should fail, it is the responsibility of the owner to pay, regardless of his loss of income through the business.

Question: "My LLC failed and I have two business credit cards of which approximately $45k is owed. I just finished a six month hardship program. I'd like to know if my personal credit score will be affected if I stopped paying on these debts. I haven't paid my corporate renewal fees for two years. I didn't use my social security number to open these accounts only my business ID number.

Answer: If you have not already discussed renewal of the hardship program with your creditors, you should if you want to continue to pay the debt down. Many will extend this up to 12 more months. As well, it is difficult to say if you did or did not really personally guarantee the lines. Most banks require this even if you never provided a social. Simply defaulting and hoping they don't come after you personally is risky without a plan to settle or file bankruptcy at some point. Most creditors are aggressive with collections and may possibly file suit to secure payment on the account. If you are able to offer up a settlement amount that is less than what you owe, you might want to so as to prohibit further collections actions.

Question: "If a business is incorporated and has outstanding debt that has been sent to a collection agency and now is threatening to sue in court what happens to the debt if we just close the business? I understand that they may try to collect against us personally. If I am married and we have our assets in both of our names and my wife is not part of the business, can they still pursue our personal assets?"

Answer: Depending on the type of business debt it is important to identify whether or not any security such as collateral or personal guarantees exist. This will determine the leverage a creditor may have in the collections process. Just so you are aware if you have not established an independent business credit score (which reports separately than your own individual score) and acquired trade lines using the corporation's creditworthiness only, than chances are high that some personal guarantee exists. If this is the case, the debt will not go away if the business does as it reverts to the guarantor. Secondly, collection agencies cannot sue you; this is usually only done by law firms conducting collections. They also must be located in your state of residence to file suit. If you live in a community property state such as California, and there is a personal guarantee then your combined assets could be jeopardized if a lawsuit occurs and judgments are awarded. One thing you can do if you are in default is attempt to negotiate a discounted settlement if you have funds to do so. You can also engage the help of a commercial debt negotiator to do so for you, or if you are being sued than you must hire legal counsel and address the matter promptly.

Question: "I own a small home based business but it has not provided any monies for the past year and I have decided to file the business as non-active. I have two credit cards, each of which are now over their credit limit and I am paying minimal payments personally to keep the creditors away. However since it is a small business credit card problem, the creditors have started to place 60 day past due on my credit report and my scores have tanked. All I am doing is sending good money after bad as I can't pay the full amount. Would I be better to let these two credit cards go through to collections and then settle with them for a smaller amount since my credit score has now gone so low I can't get any personal loans in any case?"

Answer: To clarify, your creditors are not reporting to your personal credit score because you have a "small business credit card problem" but rather because you have most likely placed a personal guarantee on the credit cards, which makes you responsible for their payment whether your business is solvent or not. If you elect to settle your accounts on your own, you must understand that creditors do not typically discount accounts that are "current". Also, there are inherent risks, included in this are escalated collections efforts or even legal collection action. You must also be prepared to settle when your accounts are considered to be in serious default with lump sums of money. If you owe a significant amount (usually considered over $10K) you might want to get a reputable debt settlement firm to handle this for you as they are likely to have relationships with creditors that can yield greater discounts on your accounts. Just know, that everything has a price, and you must decide the upside (like saving money) or downside (like sacrificing credit scores, possible taxation on forgiven debts and/or other possible risks) of how best to handle your accounts.

And lastly, a most common issue is what to do when you are unable to pay on a Small Business Administration (SBA) backed loan. These loans are typically issued by financial institutions and are usually secured by a collateral commitment by the borrower. Non-payment of these loans can be very risky and collateral may be repossessed as required by the bank to collect.

Question: "I had a small LLC business which recently closed. I owe quite a bit on my SBA line of credit through a major bank. I haven't been able to make payments and the account has been turned over to a collection agency. They have threatened me with taking my assets, charging me a ton of money in fees and for legal action. I have replied with a letter requesting to work out a monthly payment which I can afford. I got a letter from the agency today stating that I individually and my company have sufficient assets to warrant civil legal proceedings. The letter also noted that I couldn't sell any equipment from the business. I had planned to sell it to pay them as it's in storage. I am working part time and am willing to make payments on this but I can't come up with what they want. Should I file for bankruptcy? I'd rather not".

Answer: "Based on the information you provided, I can suggest that if the debt has gone to a "collection agency" not a "law firm" they themselves cannot sue you, nor should they be using that as a threat. If it is a law firm, particularly one located in your home state, they may have those intentions and you should consult with a lawyer to discuss your options. That said, the "collection agency's" only job is to collect what is owed, and as much of it as they can get as a settlement. They usually won't make payment arrangements. You would need to get the original lender to recall the debt and try to work something out with them directly. If you cannot, than depending on what you owe, you might offer up a lump sum settlement for a fraction of the amount and ask for terms to get that paid in 6 months or less. As for the sale of assets, you may have pledged them as collateral and the bank may be required to attempt the sale on your behalf before the SBA will repay the guarantee (backed portion) on the loan. Either way, the sale of most business equipment rarely yields enough to repay debt in full and whether you or they sold it there would likely be a deficiency which you would be responsible for. Don't offer up any more information to the collection agent as they are going to apply every angle to pressure you for payment. Also you must consider if your SBA agreement is attached to your real property as an asset. Get in touch with your local SBA office or the original lender to see if they are still willing to work something out so you can get back on your feet and not fall further behind with the loan.

If you are faced with these or similar issues, I recommend seeking the help of a professional, either an attorney, CPA or a business debt counselor who can assess your situation and help prescribe a course of action. Remaining proactive and getting all the facts can highly increase your chances to take appropriate measures to resolve the issues and land your business back on its feet.

Small Business Planning - Traditional Business Plans Are a Waste of Time

You're a small business. You want to be successful. To be successful you need a business plan, right? We have all heard the stories about writing business plans. So, we assume that we have to do the same thing; spend countless hours writing our plan, with mind numbing detail, excruciating spreadsheets and tons of minutia that we all know is either made up, or useless. And the end result for the vast majority of business plans? They end up sitting on a shelf, never reviewed, never updated. When it comes to small business planning, traditional business plans are a complete and total waste of time, and energy.

First let's clarify something that is critical to the success of your business. There is a vast difference between a traditional business plan, and business planning, especially when it comes to small business. Traditional business plans were typically used to get a business funded, or by larger companies to acquire an existing business. They were not designed to run a business.

Business planning is about creating a plan or road map for your business. In the cases of most small businesses, planning is something that is usually just put off or avoided altogether. Why? Because they think that planning for your business is the same as writing a traditional business plan!

What's the alternative to writing a traditional business plan? The best thing you can do is write a plan that can fit on a single page!

How is that possible, especially when we have been convinced that when it comes to business planning, that "length is strength"? Simple, bring everything down to its core. Focus on the key success factors for your business. Again, this is about running your business and creating plan for how you will get there, not impressing anyone with extensive data..

Here are 3 key questions that your plan should answer.
• What is your realistic vision for your company? What will it look like in terms of revenues, markets or regions served and your primary products and services within a manageable time frame, say 1-3 years?
• What is your point of differentiation or what makes you unique?
• What will you measure to know if what you are doing is working?

By keeping your plan to a single page, you will also be able to keep your plan current and relevant to your business. If there is one thing that you do, it would be to make your plan a dynamic tool for your business. If things change in your business, and they will, update your plan. Commit to keeping it updated, and if you have a new idea, or you decide to go another direction, update your plan.

Paul "Bear" Bryant, the famous coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide, has a famous quote that really sums up the need for you to plan for your business.

"Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you'll be surprised how successful you can be. Most people don't have a plan. That's why it's easy to beat most folks."

If you want to be successful, you need to have a plan. And when it comes to small business planning, that plan should be as focused as possible. And if you do that, like Coach Bryant said, you'll find it easy to beat most folks. Plan your work. Work your plan.

Sell-Side Services Provided by a Business Broker

Business owners seeking to sell their privately owned company will often retain a business intermediary based upon their expertise in the following areas:

Listing a business for sale in a quiet and discreet manner is critical as the consequences could be very negative if competitors, employees, and customers find out the owner is selling the company. In many cases a business intermediary can pre-screen a number of buyers without revealing the name and location of the business, something that would be nearly impossible for the owner to accomplish. Approaching the sale in a confidential manner will: prevent competitors from utilizing the data to influence customers or spread damaging rumors, avoid issues with key employees who might be nervous about the uncertainty a change in ownership might bring, and eliminate unwanted concerns by customers who feel their relationship might be in jeopardy. There is a delicate balance in providing the necessary information to the buyer to allow them to make a proper evaluation and protecting the sellers' need for confidentiality. Experienced business brokers recognize the significance of the confidential nature of the business sale and generally will provide proprietary financial and business data in stages. Less information is provided upfront but will increase over time as the relationship with the buyer matures and it is confirmed that they are a serious and qualified candidate. It is important for the buyer to recognize that some highly confidential information, such as customer databases and contracts, will not be made available until after a binding DPA has been executed and the contingencies have been removed.

Valuing Your Business:
Credentialed business brokers are trained to establish a current fair market value of a business using the income, asset, and market approaches. Business brokers are skilled at evaluating and re-casting financial statements in addition to having a solid understanding of what key values buyers are seeking. These professionals have access to large business transaction databases that are used as guidelines or reference points to establish an estimated price range based upon industry, financial, and geographical data. Understanding the worth of one's business and how that value is derived is extremely important. In some cases, there are minor changes that an owner can make that would dramatically increase the value of the business. Owners who are equipped with a business value report will be well positioned to identify those areas that will drive company value in the coming years, enabling them to fully maximize the business value and capture a higher sales price when it comes time to sell the enterprise. There are a variety of other situations where a business valuation will be important, including: obtaining additional financing, recapitalizing the business, creating buy/sell agreements, ensuring adequate insurance is in place, dissolving a marriage/partnership, and establishing an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), to name a few. There are several different types of valuations available so it will be important to identify the purpose to ensure that the proper report is obtained.

Financing 'Pre-Approval':
For the majority of small business transactions, it is rare for a buyer to acquire a business without the assistance of 3rd party financing. Experienced business brokers have relationships with a variety of funding sources including SBA lenders, commercial banks, and private capital companies. While the credit market has tightened considerably over the last several years, business brokers understand which lenders are active and the type of deals, cash flow or asset based, they will finance. Business brokers are experienced in preparing and submitting the required documents to these small business lenders whereby they are reviewed and a financing "pre-approval" can be generated. Lender involvement at an early stage will enable the business owner to be well educated on the type of financing and terms that are available, the buyer down payment required for the loan, and any seller financing commitments that may be requested. Additionally, performing this work up front, before a buyer is located, will often decrease the time period in closing a transaction. Securing financial capital is one of the most critical issues for buyers pursuing a business acquisition and it is those businesses that are distinguished as being pre-qualified for financing that will be in greater demand.

Business Continuity:
Selling a privately held business is a major undertaking as it can be a long, complex, tedious, and stressful process. Business owners who have attempted to approach a sale without a transaction team are quick to realize that the process is a full-time job and can be extremely distracting for those are who are active in managing the daily business operations. A business broker will take ownership of the entire sales process allowing the business owner, who is already wearing many hats, to focus on their core competency in providing 100% of their attention to running the business to maintain or increase its value, mitigating the risk of business erosion during the sale process.

Qualify Buyers:
Established business brokerage firms have large databases of qualified buyers in addition to networks of business intermediaries and other professionals that have access to people who are in the market to purchase a company. Most business brokers have the tools, resources, and processes to attract and screen buyers through a structured and confidential marketing program designed to solicit interest from a wide range of buyers where they are systematically pre-qualified based upon experience, time table, and financial capacity. The broker will create a comprehensive marketing circular containing a historical summary of the business operations, personnel, products and services, adjusted financial statements, and valuation data. A marketing strategy will be developed, based upon the type and size of business, targeting either financial or strategic buyers, or in some cases, both. Financial buyers are characterized as either entrepreneurs or executives leaving corporate America, interested in pursuing their dream of owning a business. Their focus is on the earnings and cash flow that the business generates and whether it will generate sufficient funds to service debt and provide the required 'owner financial benefit' to support their lifestyle. Strategic buyers are typically companies who are either in a similar industry looking to acquire market share/economies of scale or a complimentary business seeking to broaden their product or service offering. Strategic buyers will often pay a premium for the business based upon anticipated synergies that the acquisition offers.

A skilled negotiator acts as a buffer between the buyer and seller and is able to diplomatically address any sensitive, confrontational, or polarizing issues without jeopardizing the chemistry that was developed between the buyer and seller. Closing a transaction is a complicated process with unique factors involved and a variety of conflicting issues and personalities from each side. The paperwork involved can be astounding and the intermediary will bring enormous value in coordinating, disseminating, and reviewing the plethora of documents involved with the buyer's/seller's professional advisors. There are often situations that require the delivery of unpleasant information, a retraction or modification of an offer, the untangling of red tape, or addressing sensitive financial issues. Having a third party intermediary involved in the transaction mitigates direct conflicts between the buyer and seller, preventing potential emotionally charged questions and concerns from damaging the negotiation process. The broker's key function is to close the transaction and their involvement as a middleman will enable the owner to take a step back and approach the sale in a methodical approach that maximizes the value, minimizes the stress, and one that should address both parties' objectives and be more likely to result in a successful transaction.

Exit Planning:
An Exit Plan is a written roadmap that is developed in conjunction with legal, accounting, and financial professionals and is designed to maximize the value an owner receives when exiting the business. Whether the goal is to exit the business in six months or ten years, it is critical that a business owner recognize that succession planning is the single most important way to take control of the terms and conditions of exiting their business. Proper exit planning will reduce the variability of the business control transfer, and can secure a sound financial future for their family. By establishing the current market value of the business in conjunction with a determination of the owner's exit timetable and the income needed for retirement, the Business Intermediary will have the essential elements for the foundation of the exit plan. The longer that a business owner has to implement the exit plan, the greater the opportunities will be to maximize the business value, minimize tax liabilities, avoid key employee turnover, and eliminate emotionally charged family issues. By developing a formal business exit plan and setting out a specific timetable of actions to be taken, a business owner will have a clear plan of action and know exactly when and how they will be leaving the business.

9 Reasons Why Your Small Business May Never Reach $1M In Revenue

Climbing the mountain to your first million is no easy feat for the vast majority of business owners. With every step up you take, it can feel like gravity is dragging you back down. But are you the one actually sabotaging the success of your business?

There are nine contributing factors that commonly hinder small business success. Fix themand you'll grow your business.Don't address them, and you're going to remain wallowing in 'not quite making it' for much longer than you want to.

Here are the nine ways to blow it on your way to $1 million in revenue.

Reason #1 You Expect It To Be Easy And Get Disappointed When It's Not

Many business owners simply aren't willing to do the hard yards. Even when offered a complete business template, based on a business that makes millions of dollars, with the provider willing to hold their hand the entire way, very few people will actually follow through to a notable degree of success.

One of the most crucial factors in reaching the million dollar mark is to do the hard stuff yourself and leave the easy stuff to others. Hard is the stuff you haven't done before, the challenging stuff that takes some brain-power, some hours, and some outside-of-the-box thinking.

Gravitate towards that stuff. Become part of the five percent of people who actually do what it takes and ultimately get what they want. Most people won't. Most people will wait, hoping it will get easier, complain when it doesn't, and eventually give up. That's no way to make a million dollars.

Reason #2 You're Looking For A 'Sure Thing' Rather Than Being The 'Sure Thing' Yourself

There are a lot of small business owners out there who will be getting a job soon because they just don't get what it takes to build a successful business. Those who want it all laid out for them, with everything explained in basic steps, with no margins for errors or change, are those who will really struggle getting to that first million.

Systems are great tools. But the millions come when you back yourself, not when you are incessantly search for a system that will take care of all the hard work for you. If you back yourself and put in the hard work, it counts a hundred times more than the "sure thing" system you're hunting for.

Each time you quit something, put something you need to do off until 'later', procrastinate and engage in delaying tactics, you're not backing yourself. When the going gets tough, you need to be the person who is going to stick through it to completion. You've got to be able to count on yourself. If you can't count on yourself, no one else will. And it takes more than one person alone to crack the million mark.

Great systems can help you make a million dollars, but only if you take massive action as well. If you're waiting for the system you purchased to start making things happen, you're going to be waiting a while. Systems don't make things happen. People make things happen.

Reason #3 You're Spending Too Much Time Behind The Scenes Instead Of Where You Need To Be

If you spend too much time creating and perfecting your "widgets" instead of selling the widgets, you're not going to get to a million dollars in revenue any time soon.

Perfecting behind the scenes is like doing housework. It looks neat and tidy, and you get a sense of satisfaction.No one notices though. No one is lining up to see the brilliant housework you've done. If you want them lining up, you've got to deliver something they want. People don't want your house to be clean. They don't care about that. They want to know where they can get solutions to their own problems and whether or not you can help them.

There's no money in building the system if no one knows or cares about it. The money is in people buying. The losses are in you building up stocks and having no buyers.

Reason #3 You Haven't Implemented Direct Response 'Relationship Based' Marketing Strategies

Implement a direct response relationship based marketing strategy into your business and you will never have to go looking for a client again.

Direct response marketing strategies will draw targeted prospects to your business who are incredibly likely to respond to what you offer them. And once you get savvy with it, you may find yourself with the high quality problem of having more leads than you know what to do with. What a fantastic problem to have in your business!

As long as you are chasing leads, you will struggle to make serious money. To double your income you have to free up your time to actually deliver and run your business. The minutes you spend hustling can't be replicated. But you can replicate direct response marketing and get leads coming in from dozens of sources, all wanting to know more about the solution you can provide to solve their problem.

Reason #5 You're Not Building Systems Into Your Business

In the beginning, you are doing everything for the first time, figuring out exactly what to do and the best way to do it. There's uncertainty and there's trial and error. You do things one way the first time and a different way the next time.And you tend to keep a lot of what works in your head. But eventually an assistant will be doing these tasks for you, and they'll want a system to follow.

Your assistant also needs to consistently document what's done and how it's done.Why? Because eventually they will leave, and if you don't have up-to-date systems in place, it will be up to you to figure everything out again or remember enough to teach your next assistant.

It will be like starting from scratch, except now your clients expect things to happen a certain way, and they don't expect to be kept waiting, or for the quality of service you deliver to change.

One million dollars in revenue can happen quickly, as long as you have regularly updated systems in place. Systems enable you to efficiently delegate and outsource, freeing you up to concentrate on more important aspects of growing your business.

Reason #6 You're Not Educating Yourself On What Counts For Maximum Business Success

Doctors train for six years or more. Accountants, four years or more.Many business owners simply go into business thinking they'll figure it all out as they go. The reality is that succeeding in business requires getting educated on how to succeed.

Too many people think business success all comes down to having a good idea. Customers will come, they think. Not these days whenthere is more competition out there and more choices than ever before. So why would customers choose you? It has to be more than the notion that you'll be great if they give you a chance.

Spending money on your business education equates to investing in the future success of your business. Greater success comes when you know how to operate your business well, rather than just having a go and hoping it all works out.

Invest wisely in your business education, in particular on marketing, and you can expect to earn a tenfold return on that investment. The more educated you get, the better your judgment, the better your decisions, and the better your business will be.

Get educated by super successful business owners who have done whatever it is you want to achieve and fold that expert knowledge directly into your business.

Reason #7 You Don't Model Excellence

Reinventing the wheel to grow your business is an unnecessary undertaking when instead you can draw on the expertise of others who came before you.Why invent a new system, waste time figuring something out, or spend hours brainstorming with other people who don't have the answers, when you can simply model the excellence of those who have been there and done that - spectacularly.

Read a book, listen to a CD or a podcast on the subject by a business owner who is an expert in that area, and within an hour or so you will be educated enough to make an informed decision and take appropriate action.

Decision making is a roadblock for many business owners simply because they haven't got the education and haven't modeled experts to make it easier for themselves. So they do nothing. Or worst still, they make decisions based on their 'gut feelings' or based on bad advice from people who are equally as ignorant on the matter.

Do yourself a huge favor and study the experts in your field who have already faced what you're experiencing or heading for,and do what they did until you know better and can achieve even better results.

Reason #8 You're Not Staying True To Your Core Business

Too many businesses go under because the business owner gets distracted by the next exciting idea they've come up with, instead of just sticking to the core of their business. The golden rule is: don't launch into anything else until your core business is doing over one million dollars in turnover and is thoroughly systemized to roll along smoothly without you.

Even if what you're doing seems to be getting more difficult and you're unsure of how to increase revenues, don't switch your focus. The solution is rarely to develop new products.

The reality is that if you can make $50,000 in your business, you can make double that. You just need to learn how. The hard yards invested in learning how to double your business will be repaid countless times over if you stick to your core business. The only exception to this is if the niche you're in is a dud. In that case, cut your losses and bail.

Boredom, a yearning for variety, and issues with following things through to completion are not decent reasons to change niches. Switch your focus only when you have replaced yourself in all aspects of your core business, not while there are still systems that can be improved to significantly increase the profitability of your existing business.

Reason #9 You're Lacking A Strong Vision To Carry You Forward

Business isn't always easy. Some of the challenges you face in your business can seem impossible to push through. Sometimes you will feel deflated and defeated by the problems that inevitably come with running your own business. The key is to make sure the vision you have for your business is so big it can carry you through the tough times.

If the scope of your dream is to 'get through' or to 'break-even', that's not enough. It's got to be a grand dream of what is possible. It's got to excite you enough to pull you through the days, weeks or even months that it all just seems like it's too damned hard.

Welcome challenges, because your business won't grow without them.Solving problems is how you get great at business. Solve enough problems for enough people and you will naturally hit your own goals over time. Conversely, if your primary focus is on hitting your own goals, and wishing your own problems were solved, you'll probably never crack the million dollar mark.

How to Buy a Business When a Bank Loan Is Hard to Get

If you have been following any of my recent blogs you would have read that I have touting from the top of my lungs that now is the time to be buying a business. And in case you haven't been following my blogs I will restate why I think now is a great time to be buying a business.

Why? Well one of the reasons is that business valuations have come down in price. Businesses that were selling for 3 to 4 times their net profit are now selling for 2 to 3 times their net profit. Or if they were selling for 5 to 6 times their net profit they are now selling for 4 to 5 times their net profit. This is a substantial reduction of price from a few years ago.

Now this statement is true in generally all of the business sectors such as the retail and service categories. Of course there are going to be some categories that really hot at a certain time that are selling for a premium, but generally this true now across the board in most of the businesses on the market.

The second reason I think now is a great time to be buying a business is that the cost of money is about as cheap as it is ever going to get. You can get a commercial loan to purchase a business for 5% or sometimes lower depending on your credit and the situation and the lender you are working with.

So let's say that I have convinced you that now is the time to buy a business because the valuations are down and you can get a good deal on the purchase of a business and the cost of money is cheap. But gee Terry didn't you know that banks aren't lending and it is hard to get a loan. If you said or thought that you would be absolutely correct.

Banks do have money to lend, but they have changed the rules on lending or should I say that the Federal Government has changed the rules for lending for them and therefore it has become more difficult to get a loan in today's economic environment. Yes, all of this is true, but there is still a way to get that loan for the business you are wanting to buy. Yes, the days of getting a 100% loans are long gone unless of course you are working with private investors, but we are talking about a financial institutions today so I will stay focused on such accordingly.

Here is how you get your loan for the business you want to buy today.

Most lenders are sitting on top a pile of cash and they are in the business of renting money. Yes, that is how they make a good profit in the banking and lending business of money. They receive money from people who deposit their money into their bank and pay them a pittance for doing so and then they rent that money out to people like me and you for a profit. It is a very simple formula. Once I understood that banks were nothing more than renters of money it became a very simple formula to understand.

But since the Fed's have changed the rules and told the banks they must be more prudent in their renting of money the banks have become more conservative in the way they rent out their money, but they still are in the business of renting money.

In the old days before the Fed's came to town and changed the rules on renting money an individual could buy a business with 20% down and the bank loaning the remaining 80%. Sometimes the bank would keep the note themselves and earn the high interest rate they were charging for the renting of the money or sometimes they would sell it off to the SBA and only retain a portion of the loan thereby allowing them to keep money in their bank and repeat the process again and again. Either way it was a good deal for the individual that needed a loan to buy themselves a business.

Now though the rules have changed and if you have spoken to a lender recently you would then understand that they will are still willing to loan you money for that business you wanted to buy, BUT it better have a solid cash flow and they are not going to loan 80% of the purchase price. No, more than likely they are going to be willing to loan you maybe 50% to 60% of the purchase price of the business.

But wait you say. I don't have much money! Heck, if I was buying a business for $500,000.00 then instead of having to come up with $100,000.00 (20%) now I have to come up with $200,000.00 to $250,000.00. That is crazy I don't have that kind of money. Doesn't the bank understand that I have good credit, this is a good business, there are no jobs to be had in the market place and if I had that kind of money I probably wouldn't be in the situation that I am now?

Well to begin the bank doesn't really care about any of that. All they are concerned about is keeping their job. So it is better to tell you no and keep their job than to make a loan to you that could get them in trouble and they lose their job and then they would be just like you (except they wouldn't have as much money saved as you have) so this is what we call a lender making a career decision. It is easier not to make the loan and keep their job rather than to take a chance on making the wrong loan and possibly losing their job. (I actually had a bank President tell me that one time). But I am straying from the point.

The point is since there are new rules and the banks want more money down and you don't have the money how do you get the loan? The answer is right in front of us. We are going to get the additional capital we need from the seller of the business. He should be aware of how difficult it is to get a loan in today's marketplace and if he isn't he must have been living without a TV or access to the internet to see what has been going on with our banking system. But just in case the Seller of the business is not cognizant of what is happening in today's marketplace in regard to the lending environment then I would ask the Seller of the business to go visit his local and long established banker to ask him for a loan to refinance his business. Yes, have the Seller go down to his old banker buddy who he has had a long relationship with and have him ask him how much money he would loan him against HIS business. Now remember this is a business that is a good business and has been up and running for quite a while. This is what we would call a reality check, because the Seller of the business will find out real quick what is going on in the world of lending for businesses. Hey, if I am wrong about this then great everyone gets the loan they wanting and you can totally disregard this article. But I don't think I am wrong on this one.

But back to getting that loan. Here again it is really simple math. First go talk to some lenders and find out what is their criteria for the loaning money for a business. Some will want 30% or 40% or maybe 50% as a down payment towards the purchase of a business. Don't argue with them just get the details. Then work your formula backwards and when you have found the business you are interested in explain to the Seller that you are a qualified Buyer and that you have the needed funds available to purchase the business with the normal amount of funds needed being 20% and that in today's marketplace that lenders are requiring 35% as a down payment and you will need the Seller to carry 15% of the purchase for a limited time. By this I mean have the 15% amortized over the same time period as the lender is requesting, but agree to refinance the 15% in a shorter term like 3 or 5 years from the date of the purchase of the business.

Some Sellers will not like this idea and will not go along with it, but a Seller who wants or needs to sell their business understands that it is much better to get the bulk of their money now and have the business sold than to just sit and wait and hope that things are going to change later and still not sell the business.

Web Internet Marketing, Increase Income By Improving Sales Process In Any Business On The Internet

Web Internet Marketing: how to make this year a phenomenal success for your business

Many people who are trying to build an internet marketing business or run any business, whether trying to start a business or improve on an existing business, never really give themselves the gift of "Brutal Honesty" and this is never to be underestimated it is just too important to miss. We can all learn a great deal from past experience be it in an existing marketing career, starting a web internet marketing business or just improving on last year and building a better business on the internet for 2011. People simply don't think about their internet marketing business much beyond the idea that they'd like to make more money, and let's be honest with ourselves we would all like that, but a better business requires an improved business plan constantly evolving and focusing on strengths and weaknesses, this enables analysis of what is working and what we may be wasting our time on.

Without doubt everybody wants to improve their business model, but if you really want to achieve your income goals, then you need to be brutally honest about yourself and your business plan. You need to think about your business, assess your business and make wise choices for your business to increase your income in 2011. Now as I said earlier these principles apply to a career as much as they apply to a web internet marketing business.

Now let's get started analyzing and creating a better Internet marketing business model.

What I'm going to talk about right now totally fits in with any business on the internet. This is a monumental fact and philosophy that if followed will allow you to achieve your goals automatically every day. I'm going to tell you how to plan your business on the internet for 2011. Now it may well not sound like an obvious topic, but I can guarantee you that analysing and eliminating what did not work last year is the single best way to increase your success. When I first started in my business on the internet, I didn't plan at all, literally. There was so much to learn, and I was so confused, that I didn't know what to do. I now know this to be "information overload" and information overload restricts your thought process and prevents you from focusing on what you know that you need to do to achieve the results that you deserve.

How many times have you finished your day and thought, "My objective today was to achieve X but I was distracted by Y and did not complete my intended task for the day", well my friends this is something that has happened to us all and it's something we all need to try to eliminate. You see when I first started an internet marketing business plan I was constantly distracted by a learning plan. All that I really knew for sure was that I wanted to create a business on the internet that allowed me to live the life I wanted to live. So I kind of muddled through, trying this and that, trying to figure out what worked and what didn't. I bet this sounds all too familiar to most people reading this article, am I right?

It wasn't long before I realized that I was going nowhere, it had been a year or two and I felt like I'd made little or no progress at all, sure I had learned a lot but I had neglected to take decisive action. It was very frustrating, but I wasn't sure what was wrong. Then I asked some friends what they thought about what I was doing and how I was doing it. This was a couple of years ago when there were not so many successful internet marketers and business coaches. Now I needed some brutal honesty so I asked some friends who were having similar issues to be brutally honest with me.

It was clear to most of my friends that the actual problem was not sticking to a real internet business plan. I was chasing anything that I thought would work consistently, and that meant that I chased just about every web internet business model I could find, and as a result I failed to focus long enough on any one of them. Let me save you some years of frustration by telling you that you MUST have focus and you MUST have a business plan. It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be original or something fantastic. It simply oh so just has to exist. An internet marketing business plan, plus a learning plan equals a business model that should not be distracted from.

You may well be surprised at just how easy this is to do. There are only five steps, and they build on what you probably already know, but information overload has prevented you from implementing this as an actionable business plan. There are entire books written about this topic, but I'm going to give you a short plan for simply getting things done. Maybe that will save you some reading.

Right Then here goes let's get started, Here are the important steps that will improve your Internet Marketing business and your personal success.

First Step

Assess Last Year Now I know that's a bit obvious but all too many people miss this point, this is what most people know they should do but fail to do, now can I go into a little more detail. If you had a plan for last year, ask yourself (and your friends) how things turned out, ask yourself these two simple questions and be brutally honest with yourself about your answers!

* Did you achieve your goals?

* If you didn't achieve a particular goal, why do you think you fell short?

Many people may not have had a plan last year; if this is the case then it's just a matter of comparing your results to your goals. Even so you owe it to yourself not to skip this step. You just have to do something different maybe even something a little easier or simpler that you can really focus on. What you need to do is analyze what you want to achieve overall (success as you see it), and what you actually achieved last year to try to make progress toward that goal, then you need to focus on the steps that you took last year that had any sign of successful results before you were distracted or moved on to something else.

Sure, you may not have made it yet, but ask yourself if you really tried, I mean really tried and if you really focused on things that achieved even the smallest of results and just how hard you tried. I strongly suggest that you need to be very specific here. Ask yourself what you did specifically to achieve your long-term goals, and be brutally honest with yourself (again) and figure out if you wasted time, or lost focus, or whatever may have been responsible for preventing you achieving your goals. You will probably realize that you had little or no web internet marketing plan. This is the exercise I recommend all be it a simplified version, but I want you to look very deeply at what happened. Talk to friends and mentors. Talk to your family, if you feel comfortable doing that. Figure out where you've been for the past 12 months, so you can set yourself up to figure out where you'll go in 2011.

Second Step

Now go and select three big goals for 2011 Goals that you know that you can achieve if you put your full focus onto them. You see a year is just an arbitrary target. You can have lifetime goals if that is what you want or perhaps even your goals for the next decade. But focusing on 2011 can help you start achieving goals on a regular basis, which is what success is all about. So choose one, two or three big goals to accomplish next year, and then you will quickly learn to recognise exactly what success looks like.

You can have a single goal. That's fine, and it might actually make you more focused. But if you have two or three, that's good as well. However please do not pick any more than three goals as to do so is just setting yourself up for failure. That will hurt you more than you can imagine in the long run. Having too many goals is like having too many television channels to choose from. You end up hopping around looking for something good, and you end up not really watching anything. Quite similar to information overload, now do you understand what I'm telling you? Too many goals are a distraction. Between one and three well-defined goals lets you focus like a laser beam. Here's what a well-defined goal looks like.

First, it will be concrete not fluid. That means it's clearly something you want, and it's specific enough to mean something in the real world. It's all well and good to say "I want to be wealthy" but what does that mean? Put a number on it. Flesh it out. Make it as concrete as you can make it. Second, it has to be actionable for you, meaning that you can make progress toward that goal. It's fine to say you want to fly a plane, but are you really equipped to do it? Most people aren't, and it's probably not a good goal for your internet marketing business anyway.

Third Step

It is very important that this or these goals are achievable with a stretch maybe but achievable! It is also important to make your goals something that stretches you a bit, sort of like athletic training. If you don't push yourself, you'll never achieve more in achieving a better business. However be realistic don't push yourself to the breaking point. Push yourself hard, but not enough to get hurt. This is a judgment call, for certain, but it's also something you can both measure and feel.

Here's an example for you, if you failed to make any profit last year, saying your goal is to make five thousand dollars a day next year is clearly unrealistic. If you get there, great! But maybe consistently making $100 a day is a nice stretch goal and would give you a great lifestyle I'm sure $36,500 is not to be sneered at, but is realistically achievable in today's web internet marketing business world whether you are building a traditional brick and mortar business, a business on the internet or maybe even an e-bay or e commerce business, it doesn't matter $100 a day is realistically achievable and that's what counts every time.

Fourth Step

It needs to be exciting. I can't emphasize this one enough. If your goals don't motivate you to get out of bed in the morning, get other goals. Really, that's what goals are all about. Make sure your goals engage your mind and get you fired up. Once you're armed with your well-defined goals, it's time to plan how to achieve them.

Again I don't want to over emphasise this, but I now have a philosophy in life, if I don't enjoy doing something then I don't do it, simple. I love my work and enjoy everything about my internet marketing business, and I enjoy helping other people which is why I have enjoyed writing this article, and I truly hope you find benefit in reading my articles and books. There is a very old saying that applies to you if you are starting a business and here it is:

"God will not get you out of bed in the morning; you have to do that yourself"

Fifth Step

Determine Each Goal's Success Factor" that means that you have to figure out what you need to do to achieve each specific goal. If your goal is to make $100 a day, you need to make $100 a day to achieve it. But I'm talking about going beyond that. For example, the success factor for that goal might be for you to

* Sell your own product for $27

* Sell eight copies per day to net $100 after you pay 50% commissions.

If it's not a web internet marketing business that you are building then branch out, find new products or services to sell, remember new business is additional business, and please never ever neglect your existing customers, bring them value because it is far more difficult (and expensive) to find new customers than it is to look after your existing customers. Banks take note! Notice that your marketing business plan is now very specific. It talks about what your business on the internet model is (selling your own product) and what kind of results you need to get. You're not to the place of defining how you'll get there yet (that's next), but you're clearly saying what you need to achieve to accomplish your goal. "You just have to have faith, you do not need to see the whole staircase; you only need to take the first step" Dr Martyn Luther King.

There are no right or wrong answers here, your internet marketing business model might be affiliate marketing, or selling your own product, a mixture of the two, or even something else. Oh yes, and the goal you're trying to achieve needs to influence the success factor that you come up with for that goal. The example I just gave you was a specific revenue goal. But your goal could be something like building your list to 10,000 subscribers. In that case, your success factor could be:

* Give away something for free, a free report on the front end maybe, always aim to under promise and over deliver, go that extra mile.

* Attract 100,000 visitors so a relatively low 10% conversion rate will be good enough.

Different types of goals, different success factors. Now that you know what your success factors are for each goal, it's time to determine exactly how to get there. Yep time to take action.

Sixth Step

Unit Management: In other words break down your goals into smaller more manageable parts that you can focus on, and give yourself time targets in which to achieve them. There are two flavours of this; the first thing to do is break your goal into smaller more manageable and achievable chunks that you can work on throughout the year. The second thing to do is to break those smaller chunks into specific tasks so you know what to work on today.

Maybe you've heard this old saying how do you build a house? The answer is planning, design and then building bit by bit, foundations, walls, roof, windows, plumbing, now do you get the idea? You see you cannot do everything at once so break it down into smaller more achievable more manageable segments that you can easily achieve on a daily basis, then anything else that you achieve is an additional triumph for that day, and boy does that feel good, it makes your mind go into over achievement mode and this state of mind is very sticky, even more sticky than the mindset of I haven't achieved!

Start with time. Break each of your big goals for the year into quarters, as in calendar quarters. If your goal is to make $100 a day, maybe you should be making $25 per day after the first three months, then $50 per day after six months, and so on. Then break each quarter into monthly goals. So maybe you should be making roughly $8 per day after the first month, or something similar. There are several ways you can break your goals down into quarters and months, based on the type of goal you're dealing with. The two most common are:

* You can "ramp" the numbers you want to achieve, such as ramping up your subscriber count each month.

* You can set milestones, such as how much free time you have per day at the end of each month.

Now, once you've broken your goal into smaller chunks, it's time to come up with the daily and/or weekly tasks necessary to achieve each smaller goal. For example, to get to your $10 per day after the first month, you might say you'll get, on average, one new sale of your $27 product per day (that will do better than $10 per day, but you get the point). If you assume a one percent conversion rate, which is pretty conservative but also pretty common in today's web internet marketing, you'll need 100 people to see your offer every day, you then need to specify how you'll make that happen. Maybe you'll write a new article to publish, or make some more forum postings, or whatever it is that is needed to improve your business on the internet.

This is where you get to use your head, and ANY other resources you can draw on, to figure this out. Of course until you have some real numbers to base your estimates on, you'll have to guess. That's fine. Go ahead and guess and learn. Sometimes it's easier to think of things on a weekly basis. In this example, you might say you'll shoot for about 50 sales per week and do the daily tasks necessary to make that happen. This is where the dog sees the rabbit, so to speak. It's where you do the relatively simple daily things to help you achieve your big goals. You'll be building the house one brick at a time.

Seventh Step

Build in accountability: This is the step most people miss, and it's a killer if you overlook it. You need to be accountable for doing the daily or weekly stuff necessary to achieve your goals. I'm not saying you need a baby sitter, but you do need to recognize that you'll have a tendency to neglect your tasks. Understand that it's happened to all of us - however In the end, there's no substitute for being accountable to you. You just have to commit to doing what you need to do, and stick with it. But sometimes a little external encouragement can give you a big boost. So find a mentor or a friend to help you stay on track. Here's how I suggest you do it:

* Tell this person that you want to get some friendly nudging from time to time so you don't neglect what you need to do to succeed in your internet marketing business.

* Schedule a periodic meeting or phone call with this person to report your progress.

* Be honest with this person about what you really did or didn't do since your last conversation.

* Tell this person to give you a slap on the hand if you don't get the job done really, if you don't care about accomplishing your goals, having this kind of accountability partner won't help you.

Now if you do care, (and I know you do) knowing that you're going to have to admit to somebody that you fell short could give you the motivation you need to stay focused. Every little bit helps. And you can use your regularly scheduled accountability conversations to assess your plan, too. If it needs changing, change it. It's a plan and it's not written in tablets of stone. That's what this entire planning process is really all about "making progress", assessing progress and achieving things so it gets to be a habit.

Like I said, I previously failed to do this, and my results were anything but impressive. Once I started planning like this, I very quickly realized that success isn't hard at all. It's a matter of breaking things down and accomplishing smaller goals. Over time, the small goals add up to bigger and bigger goals.